Matthew Woodward recently asked 42 experts their favorite marketing tools, and I revealed my loyalty to Searchmetrics. I’ve found it offers high level enterprise SEO alongside great forecasting, reporting, recommendations and analysis of content marketing. Pinpointing your customers faster means they’ll search less and buy more!

You can also delve into some gems from the other 41 pros. Workflow is the tool of choice for Christian Karasiewicz while Jason Keath prefers Yesware. Kim Garst is all about ViralTag, but Usability Hub is the internet marketing tool for Richard Page. Twitter-based options are exploding, with Scott Wyden Kivowitz touting the benefits of Tweetbot, while Eddie Gear can’t get enough of Tweet Binder.

Robbie Richards is adamant that nothing trumps Thrive, Annie Cushing loves Supermetrics and Noah Kagan prefers SumoMe. Ann Smarty says Suggest Tool is her favorite, Jason Acidre likes StumbleUpon, Sujan Patel favors Satismeter and Jay Baer leans towards RivallQ.

Whether you find Riff is your tool of choice, like Gini Dietrich, or Rapportive is more your speed, like Ashley Faulkes, there are scores of options to try out. Read what all the experts have to say and start exploring!

42 Experts Share Internet Marketing Tools You Should Be Using-with John Rampton